Of Letters and More
/One big change, starting on this upcoming book, is that A.P. Weber (that’s me) is taking over all lettering duties from John Gajowski. Gajowski has quite enough on his plate as the penciler, inker, and colorist. Oh yeah, also the character designer and the cover artist.
Here’s the title page for issue #5! Don’t be distracted by the epic space battle Gajowski created. The real focus here is Weber’s first attempt at designing a title! What do you all think? It’s still a work in progress, but we’d love to hear from you about it.
As I mentioned before, this new issue is going to be giant-sized (as they used to say when I was a kid). 46 pages! All art is completed for the first half and Weber is currently lettering it. Once we have enough lead time to finish without interrupting a weekly release schedule, we’ll start posting on the website again. I’m thinking early June. You heard it here first! Hold us to it!
This week’s recommendation is Mind Palace by Dave Dwonch and Santi Guillen. It’s a webcomic that imagines all the characters from every Bryan Fuller show (Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Hannibal) exist in a shared universe and interact on a day-to-day basis. It’s too smart and well produced to be called fan-fiction. More like Fables or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It captures the voices of familiar characters better than most licensed comic book adaptations of big or small screen properties. And the art is great! Highly recommend you check it out––I mean, it’s free, so what’s the downside?
That’s all for this week! But before we go, if you’re getting this in your email, take note of the social media links. By all means, click on them and reach out! We’d love to hear from you. Until next Wednesday, take care.